Slipping on Ice or Snow is Still a Danger

Slipping on Ice or Snow is Still a Danger
Winter may be coming to a close, but for a lot of places, there’s still plenty of snow and ice on the ground. To that end, we wanted to use today’s blog post as a reminder that slipping on ice or snow is still a danger. Just because the weather is finally heating up doesn’t mean people should drop their guard.

Falls on Ice Can Be Deadly for Older Persons

While slipping on ice or snow is dangerous for everyone, it can be especially dangerous for seniors. According to the Center for Disease Control, falls were the leading cause of injury for older Americans in 2016. Obviously if the weather is still chilly, the risk of falling is even greater.

To this end, here are some ways to help prevent slipping on ice or snow:

  • Don’t go outside without the proper footwear. Boots or grippy shoes can be extremely helpful for keeping you upright.
  • Take it slow and steady. Shorter steps and slower gait will help a person to maintain balance.
  • Prepare your walkways for walking. This means to spread salt, deicer or sand across the areas you expect to walk across. You may choose to have someone help with this step.
  • Make sure people know if you’re walking outside, just in case you fall or become trapped.
  • If the worst happens and you do slip on the ice, call 9-1-1. You should always have a phone with you, in case of emergencies.
  • If you bump your head, get checked out by a doctor. Believe it or not, the actual effects of a fall may not be immediately apparent.

Additionally, don’t forget the pool area. Plenty of people still use hot tubs, even in the icy cold weather. Fortunately, we’ve written an entire blog post dedicated to letting people know how to stop slipping by the pool.

Watch Out for Black Ice

While slipping on ice or snow is a real danger, there is also black ice to worry about. Black ice can be nearly invisible and last for days. Any area that does not receive a lot of sun can potentially freeze into black ice. Typically, it forms overnight as temperatures are at their lowest.

For drivers, this is yet another reason to exercise caution in winter weather. Before setting out, drivers should check the temperature. If the thermometer is close to freezing, assume the worst and prepare for potential danger on the road. Just like our walking tip, this means that you should keep your driving slow and steady.

When it comes to other cars on the roads, try to leave extra distance between vehicles. After all, a sudden patch of ice can make it difficult to stop suddenly. As you can probably guess, this leads to a lot of accidents.

Finally, try to avoid driving on roads that may be frozen. In addition, you should also avoid problematic driving areas, including bridges, overpasses and hilly roads. These can be extremely hazardous under colder circumstances. After all, slipping on ice and snow happens to cars as well as people!