Have a Safe Memorial Day Party

Have a Safe Memorial Day Party
It’s that time of the year again! Planning a safe Memorial Day Party? Here are some simple ideas to help reduce the risk of injury for you and your guests.

Tips for a Safe Memorial Day Party

Summer means barbecues and swimming fun. That’s great news, but let’s not forget to prepare for possible danger. In this case, the tips for a safe Memorial Day Party start with basic backyard safety.

BBQ Safety Starters

As we approach the warmer weather, we need to prepare for basic BBQ safety. This means that extra efforts need to be taken to keep kids away from the flaming hot grill. Curious little hands should remain as far from hot surfaces as possible. If you are working the grill, you should also be taking steps that will help ensure security.

  • To start, make sure there are no leaks that can cause a fire or explosion. For charcoal grills, be especially careful with highly flammable lighter fluid. Never forget how quickly disaster can strike.
  • For coal grills, be sure to dispose of coals only when they’ve fully cooled. Don’t risk unnecessary burning and injury.
  • Above all, kids should not be trusted around a hot grill. Instead, make sure someone is watching the kids and that the children don’t have access to a hot grill or stove.
  • Finally, always keep a fire extinguisher handy. It could be more important than you realize.

Don’t Forget to Wash Up

As most of us realize, germs spread quickly when people are sharing food. For this reason, it pays to keep food as clean as possible. To this end, wash your hands thoroughly before touching any food. Clean up with soap and water after handling raw meat, poultry or eggs as well.

That said, safety precautions doesn’t stop with meat. For fruits and veggies, don’t forget to rinse them off before preparing any dish. Pesticides and other contaminates could still be lurking on the surface of these items.

Additional Sun Safety

No matter what, a safe Memorial Day Party starts with extra precautions aside from the grill. In this case, we’re talking about your pool area. Be sure to add as many layers of protection to your pool as possible. Each additional safety measure can help to prevent tragedy.

  • We’ve explained the value of a mesh pool fence many times in the past. This barrier can help to keep little ones and pets far away from the water.
  • Next, active supervision can save lives. A responsible adult should always be keeping a close, undistracted eye on children who are swimming or are near the pool area. You can read our full article about active supervision here.
  • Finally, don’t forget the value of swimming lessons. These can help you long after your safe Memorial Day Party has ended. Lessons help to increase a swimmer’s confidence in the water. That goes for people of all ages! After all, it’s never too late to learn how to swim. Take some time to sharpen your swimming skills before hitting the water.