Pool Ladder Safety

As our readers know, we’ve discussed many pool-related dangers on this blog. Most of those hazards involved the swimming or boating. However, you also need to be able to get in and out of the pool without additional risk. Of course, that’s where pool ladder safety comes into play.
Today, we’ll take a look at what safety measures you should consider when purchasing a study and secure pool ladder.
For more information on this recall, visit the CSPC website.
Are Pool Ladders Dangerous?
First, let’s talk about whether pool ladder safety is really necessary to consider. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSA), 4,523 people visited the emergency room with an injury related to pool equipment. This includes pool covers, drains and ladders. Unfortunately, some of these injuries were quite severe. In fact, they included broken bones, lacerations, contusions and abrasions. So, we think it’s safe to say that – yes – pool ladder safety is an important topic!Pool Ladder Safety Recall
Below, we’ll discuss some safety guidelines for ensuring a safe ladder. But first, we would be remiss if we didn’t bring attention to a recent pool ladder recall. Just recently, VidaXL Steel Pool Ladders were recalled due to falling and drowning hazards. Though no injuries were reported, the company did receive four reports of people falling off of these ladders. As it turns out, the steps of the ladder can loosen during use. The A-frame shaped ladders are designed for above-ground pools. While these VidaXL Steel Pool Ladders are made from stainless steel and feature a non-skid surface on its steps, a person can still get hurt if the step separates from the unit.
Safety Standards to Consider
Above ground pool ladders don’t have required safety rules. Rather, the CPSC has issued a set of “voluntary safety standards.” Companies should use these standards as a guideline for their products. Naturally, consumers should also use them to determine if the ladder they plan to purchase is a safe option.Some pool ladder safety recommendations from the CPSC include:
- The width of the steps should be at least three inches.
- The ladder should have handrails on both sides. These rails should be easy enough for even a child to grasp.
- All steps should have a non-slip surface.
- Any sharp edges or protruding bolts should be covered.
- All ladders should be inaccessible when the product is not in use. For above-ground pools, this can mean that the ladder has a lock or can be removed when not in use. Alternately, the ladder can be securely surrounded by a barrier.