How to Clean Bathtub Toys to Prevent Mold

How to Clean Bathtub Toys to Prevent Mold
Water safety includes the bathtub! Believe it or not, there are all sorts of ways for a child to slip, drown, or even get sick while getting clean. In fact, some of those toys floating next to them in the water could easily lead to illness, especially if a child frequently puts the toys in their mouth. Over time, these toys can become moldy without you even realizing it. Today, let’s take a closer look at how to clean bathtub toys to prevent mold buildup.

The Dangers of Moldy Tub Toys

Bathtub toys may spend hours in soapy water, but that doesn’t mean they are clean. In fact, they can actually become downright filthy over time. You may have noticed that some of the toys have started to develop mold, which can be harmful to your child's health, particularly if they have a mold allergy or a compromised immune system.

That said, if there is mold, you may not have even noticed it yet. The first sign of moldy bath toys is typically the appearance of black fragments in the water. These fragments are actually mold, and it is crucial to take the appropriate steps to keep your child's bathtub toys clean and hygienic in order to avoid these fragments from forming. Medical experts recommend a thorough cleaning to keep them safe. Read on for more methods for cleaning these toys.

Knowing How to Clean Bathtub Toys

To clean bathtub toys and prevent mold buildup, let’s start with the quickest and most basic method. After every use, rinse the toys in tap water and squeeze out as much water as possible. Obviously, this is especially useful for squeezy toys like rubber duckies.

After this, allow the toys to air dry. After a hot bath or shower, the bathroom can be quite damp and humid. This is a perfect environment where mold can thrive. For this reason, turn on your bathroom fan for about 20 minutes after each bath. This can help to remove excess moisture from the air.

Another great tool is a net bag that can be suspended above the bathtub. It keeps the toys out of the water and off of the floor until they are needed again.

One last nifty, basic solution comes from a viral social media idea: Before your child plays with the toy, use a hot glue gun to block the opening that lets in the water. This will remove the toy’s water-squirting function, but will allow the toy to potentially last much longer!

More Thorough Cleaning Methods: Get the Vinegar!

Using vinegar is a great natural option for cleaning bath toys, as it is effective at dissolving soap scum and removing stains. To use this method, fill a bucket with equal parts warm water and vinegar.

Submerge the toys in the solution and let them soak for an hour. After soaking, rinse each toy with tap water and allow them to air dry. This method is a safe and easy way to keep bath toys clean and free from harmful chemicals.

Bleach: The Nuclear Option

Of course, there is always the chemical solution, if you desire. However, it requires a lot more care to keep the kids safe. The key to cleaning bath toys effectively is to use a solution that is potent enough to eliminate bacteria and viruses but mild enough to avoid leaving any hazardous bleach residue on toys that your child may chew on during bath time.

For optimal bath safety, a solution of one tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water is recommended. Combine this mixture in a bucket and immerse the bath toys, allowing them to soak for about 10 to 20 minutes. Finally, rinse each toy thoroughly with tap water and leave them to air dry. This method ensures that the toys are free of harmful pathogens while being safe for your child to use.